Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dr. Robert Burkhardt shared the following with faculty at Athens State.  I thought you might find this interesting - to determine your learning style, that is teaching styles that work best for you. 

"Stephen Abram, noted writer about library issues present and future, had an entry in his blog about learning styles that I found interesting, and perhaps you will too.  In particular, there is a link to the VARK Learning Styles Questionnaire that, in about four minutes, attempts to identify your learning type.  (VARK has been around for awhile and may be familiar to some of you—especially those in the College of Education—but it was unfamiliar to me.)  Here is the text of Stephen’s blog on the topic, and a link to the questionnaire so you can take it yourself:"

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Digital Nation in 21st Century

Thanks to Dr. Bill Wilkes for this. 

"Last night on Frontline there was a 90 minute program on the digital nation in the 21st. century, focusing on kids and education.  It was a real eye-opener and I strongly recommend you watch it.  It helps to better understand the kids that are rapidly moving through the education system--kids who never knew a world without the internet and digital technology."
Here is the link to the program.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Apple Announces new iPad

Read about Apple's newest product, the iPad.  What uses do you see for this tool?,2817,2358507,00.asp